Pursuant to Section 10-3-301 of the Utah Code, notice is hereby given that the Municipal Offices in Farr West City to be voted on in the Municipal General Election on are: Mayor – 4 year term Two (2) City Council Members - 4-year term each
Candidate Filing Period Begins on Monday, June 2, 2025 and ends on Monday, June 9, 2025. Declaration of Candidacy Forms or Nomination Petition must be filed in person with the City Recorder at 1896 N 1800 W, Farr West, Utah between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Legal qualifications to be a candidate for Farr West City Council are:
Registered voter in the municipality in which the individual is elected*
Must have resided within the municipality for which the candidate is seeking office for the 12 consecutive months immediately before the date of the election.
Not convicted of a felony**
* Utah Code §20A-2-101 states: A registered voter (1) is a citizen of the United States; (2) is a resident of Utah; (3) will, on the date of that election, be at least 18 years old, (4) has been a resident of Utah for 30 days immediately before that election; (5) and is registered to vote. ** Utah Code §20A-2-101.5 states: A person convicted of a felony loses the right to hold office until (1) all felony convictions have been expunged, OR (2) ten years have passed since the most recent felony conviction AND the person has paid all court-ordered restitution and fines AND the person has completed probation, been granted parole, or completed the term of incarceration associated with the felony.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where do I register to vote? - Online registration can be done at vote.utah.gov.
Residents of Weber County can also register to vote at the city office or Weber County Clerk/Auditor's Office, 2380 Washington Blvd. Ste 320, Ogden or visit www.weberelections.gov for more information.
Where do I vote? - Farr West is a vote by mail city. Every active registered voter will be mailed a ballot approximately 3 weeks prior to Election Day. For information about ballot drop boxes and voting assistance centers follow the blue link below.