The City Offices will be closed on Monday, February 21st in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will re-open on Tuesday, February 22nd at 8 am.
Notice of Intent to prepare an impact fee facilities plan and impact fee written analysis for storm water
​Farr West City intends to commence the preparation of independent and comprehensive Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Written Impact Fee Analysis for storm water and therefore, pursuant to the provisions of 11-36a-501 and 503 of the Utah Code notice is hereby provided to you of the intent of Farr West City to prepare an Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Written Analysis. The impact fee service area for this analysis and the geographic area where the proposed impact fee facilities will be located includes the entire City boundaries. The impact fees to be considered will be charged to new development and used to offset the cost of capital facilities needed to serve new development. Those receiving this notice are invited to provide information to be considered in preparing the impact fee facilities plan or written analysis of proposed impact fees. For information about the Impact Fee Facilities Plan or impact fee analysis, please contact Robbie Spronk at 1896 North 1800 West Farr West, UT 84404 or e-mail Any information received should be provided in writing.
City Council and Planning Commission meetings are held in-person meetings at city hall on Thursday evenings. Meetings are also streamed on YouTube and Mayor Phippen has encouraged those not participating in the meetings to consider viewing from home. He ask also asked those in attendance to please wear a mask.
Fiber Optic Installation Projects
The Farr West City Council has approved franchise agreements with two private fiber companies, Connext and Optic Loop. These companies are laying fiber in utility easements. Both companies are obligated to repair any damages that may occur during their projects. The city is not associated with these companies or these projects, besides the approval of excavation permits. If you have an issue with how a company is conducting their project please contact them directly.
Connext: 801-686-2468 Optic Loop: 801-737-1900
Volunteers in Police Services (VIPS)
The Weber County Sheriff's Office is looking for qualified citizens to assist patrol deputies in serving our community. If you or someone you know would be interested in volunteering to work with our law enforcement please see the attached information sheet below.